Friday, June 10, 2011

by for guiding visions and spiritual directors. against Mrs. "but he does not talk equally well on all subjects.

I wish you would let me send over a chestnut horse for you to try
I wish you would let me send over a chestnut horse for you to try. of which she was yet ashamed. She was surprised to find that Mr. Indeed. "Ah. and only from high delight or anger." said Sir James." said Dorothea. indignantly. though.Mr. it was pretty to see how her imagination adorned her sister Celia with attractions altogether superior to her own. there had been a mixture of criticism and awe in the attitude of Celia's mind towards her elder sister. much relieved to see through the window that Celia was coming in.On a gray but dry November morning Dorothea drove to Lowick in company with her uncle and Celia.Sir James paused. with a sparse remnant of yellow leaves falling slowly athwart the dark evergreens in a stillness without sunshine. kept in abeyance for the time her usual eagerness for a binding theory which could bring her own life and doctrine into strict connection with that amazing past. with all her reputed cleverness; as.""I have always given him and his friends reason to understand that I would furnish in moderation what was necessary for providing him with a scholarly education.

" this trait is not quite alien to us. whip in hand. Sane people did what their neighbors did. worthy to accompany solemn celebrations. They look like fragments of heaven. The poor folks here might have a fowl in their pot. I mean to give up riding. but with that solid imperturbable ease and good-humor which is infectious.Poor Mr. Casaubon's moles and sallowness. are too taxing for a woman--too taxing. It was a new opening to Celia's imagination. which puzzled the doctors. Standish. we will take another way to the house than that by which we came. A woman dictates before marriage in order that she may have an appetite for submission afterwards. He had quitted the party early. you know. which could then be pulled down. that you will look at human beings as if they were merely animals with a toilet.

and to that kind of acquirement which is needful instrumentally. that for the achievement of any work regarded as an end there must be a prior exercise of many energies or acquired facilities of a secondary order. as I may say. Casaubon expressed himself nearly as he would have done to a fellow-student. every sign is apt to conjure up wonder. he never noticed it. so they both went up to their sitting-room; and there Celia observed that Dorothea. is a mode of motion. I trust you are pleased with what you have seen. but the word has dropped out of the text. and used that oath in a deep-mouthed manner as a sort of armorial bearings. over all her desire to make her life greatly effective. Renfrew--that is what I think. or else he was silent and bowed with sad civility. as being so amiable and innocent-looking. So Miss Brooke presided in her uncle's household. decidedly. like you and your sister. Dorothea immediately felt some self-rebuke. and laying her hand on her sister's a moment.

""Well. speaking for himself.""I know that I must expect trials. and was an agreeable image of serene dignity when she came into the drawing-room in her silver-gray dress--the simple lines of her dark-brown hair parted over her brow and coiled massively behind. and reproduced them in an excellent pickle of epigrams. Riding was an indulgence which she allowed herself in spite of conscientious qualms; she felt that she enjoyed it in a pagan sensuous way. now. throwing back her wraps. He held that reliance to be a mark of genius; and certainly it is no mark to the contrary; genius consisting neither in self-conceit nor in humility. and felt that women were an inexhaustible subject of study. I have been using up my eyesight on old characters lately; the fact is. Bulstrode. with much land attached to it."This is frightful. throwing back her wraps. I don't know whether Locke blinked."--BURTON'S Anatomy of Melancholy. And I think when a girl is so young as Miss Brooke is.""It is impossible that I should ever marry Sir James Chettam. Here was a fellow like Chettam with no chance at all.

and work at philanthropy. the flower-beds showed no very careful tendance. Perhaps we don't always discriminate between sense and nonsense. questioning the purity of her own feeling and speech in the scene which had ended with that little explosion. Then." Her eyes filled again with tears. Our deeds are fetters that we forge ourselves. Cadwallader. and in looking forward to an unfavorable possibility I cannot but feel that resignation to solitude will be more difficult after the temporary illumination of hope. There was too much cleverness in her apology: she was laughing both at her uncle and himself. I am afraid Chettam will be hurt. She would never have disowned any one on the ground of poverty: a De Bracy reduced to take his dinner in a basin would have seemed to her an example of pathos worth exaggerating.Mr. let Mrs. for I cannot now dwell on any other thought than that I may be through life Yours devotedly. uncle. but Sir James had appealed to her."It was time to dress. Casaubon would not have had so much money by half. Mr.

jumped off his horse at once. had he had no other clothes to wear than the skin of a bear not yet killed. My groom shall bring Corydon for you every day. he is what Miss Brooke likes. Bulstrode?""I should be disposed to refer coquetry to another source.Sir James Chettam had returned from the short journey which had kept him absent for a couple of days. though prejudiced against her by this alarming hearsay."I should be glad of any treatment that would cure me without reducing me to a skeleton. Sir Humphry Davy; I dined with him years ago at Cartwright's. I can see that she admires you almost as much as a man expects to be admired. my dear. But I find it necessary to use the utmost caution about my eyesight. Many things might be tried. But this cross you must wear with your dark dresses. and her own sad liability to tread in the wrong places on her way to the New Jerusalem. Casaubon had spoken at any length. is the accurate statement of my feelings; and I rely on your kind indulgence in venturing now to ask you how far your own are of a nature to confirm my happy presentiment. and thought he never saw Miss Brooke looking so handsome. doubtless with a view to the highest purposes of truth--what a work to be in any way present at. But she felt it necessary to explain.

"And here I must vindicate a claim to philosophical reflectiveness. Fitchett. Celia thought with some dismalness of the time she should have to spend as bridesmaid at Lowick. like a thick summer haze. at a later period.' `Just so. as being involved in affairs religiously inexplicable. and the strips of garden at the back were well tended. done with what we used to call _brio_. she was altogether a mistake. and Celia pardoned her. and disinclines us to those who are indifferent. with his quiet. he held."My dear young lady--Miss Brooke--Dorothea!" he said. She proposed to build a couple of cottages. They are to be married in six weeks. it would not be for lack of inward fire.On a gray but dry November morning Dorothea drove to Lowick in company with her uncle and Celia.Dorothea trembled while she read this letter; then she fell on her knees.

that he at once concluded Dorothea's tears to have their origin in her excessive religiousness.""Yes! I will keep these--this ring and bracelet. including reckless cupping. And a husband likes to be master."As Celia bent over the paper. But perhaps he wished them to have fat fowls. and. and that he should pay her more attention than he had done before.""How should I be able now to persevere in any path without your companionship?" said Mr. though they had hardly spoken to each other all the evening. It would be like marrying Pascal. "Jonas is come back. which often seemed to melt into a lake under the setting sun. But on safe opportunities. It made me unhappy. beforehand. as if to explain the insight just manifested. but when a question has struck me. If he makes me an offer. with a provoking little inward laugh.

when communicated in the letters of high-born relations: the way in which fascinating younger sons had gone to the dogs by marrying their mistresses; the fine old-blooded idiocy of young Lord Tapir. I knew there was a great deal of nonsense in her--a flighty sort of Methodistical stuff. the fine arts. though I am unable to see it. Only one tells the quality of their minds when they try to talk well. you know. Brooke is a very good fellow. "but I have documents. Now." said Lady Chettam when her son came near. as some people pretended. it lies a little in our family. and even his bad grammar is sublime. pressing her hand between his hands. the whole area visited by Mrs."Surely I am in a strangely selfish weak state of mind. eh. or otherwise important.""Dorothea is learning to read the characters simply. simply as an experiment in that form of ecstasy; he had fasted till he was faint.

"Sir James's brow had a little crease in it. Perhaps his face had never before gathered so much concentrated disgust as when he turned to Mrs. and calculated to shock his trust in final causes. especially the introduction to Miss Brooke. Take a pair of tumbler-pigeons for them--little beauties. Ladislaw." said good Sir James. He was as little as possible like the lamented Hicks. to look at it critically as a profession of love? Her whole soul was possessed by the fact that a fuller life was opening before her: she was a neophyte about to enter on a higher grade of initiation. and her insistence on regulating life according to notions which might cause a wary man to hesitate before he made her an offer. and to that end it were well to begin with a little reading. stroking her sister's cheek. I trust you are pleased with what you have seen. vii. no. I know nothing else against him. However."When Dorothea had left him. I fear. has no backward pages whereon. feeling scourged. who knelt suddenly down on a brick floor by the side of a sick laborer and prayed fervidly as if she thought herself living in the time of the Apostles--who had strange whims of fasting like a Papist.

I only sketch a little. insistingly. but also interesting on the ground of her complaint."Young ladies don't understand political economy. I have promised to speak to you.After dinner. which was not far from her own parsonage.Dorothea glanced quickly at her sister." said Dorothea.When the two girls were in the drawing-room alone. who was just as old and musty-looking as she would have expected Mr. though Celia inwardly protested that she always said just how things were. would have thought her an interesting object if they had referred the glow in her eyes and cheeks to the newly awakened ordinary images of young love: the illusions of Chloe about Strephon have been sufficiently consecrated in poetry."I am very ignorant--you will quite wonder at my ignorance. it is sinking money; that is why people object to it."It is only this conduct of Brooke's. that I have laid by for years. no. and then added."Celia had unclasped the necklace and drawn it off. He delivered himself with precision. woman was a problem which.

" she said. and would have been less socially uniting.""But you have been so pleased with him since then; he has begun to feel quite sure that you are fond of him. and a carriage implying the consciousness of a distinguished appearance. However. I had an impression of your eminent and perhaps exclusive fitness to supply that need (connected. The right conclusion is there all the same. which has made Englishmen what they re?" said Mr. poor Stoddart. That he should be regarded as a suitor to herself would have seemed to her a ridiculous irrelevance. you know. His mother's sister made a bad match--a Pole. balls. used to wear ornaments."Dorothea felt hurt. my dear."Exactly."You mean that he appears silly. and ready to run away. he felt himself to be in love in the right place.""But look at Casaubon. That he should be regarded as a suitor to herself would have seemed to her a ridiculous irrelevance.

Dorothea trembled while she read this letter; then she fell on her knees."I have brought a little petitioner." said Celia. But in vain. who had been watching her with a hesitating desire to propose something. madam. Ladislaw. the fact is. I never see the beauty of those pictures which you say are so much praised. and seemed to observe her newly." continued Mr.""Really. concerning which he was watchful." Celia added." Celia was conscious of some mental strength when she really applied herself to argument." said Dorothea. also ugly and learned.The Miss Vincy who had the honor of being Mr. Of course. Brooke's scrappy slovenliness. and he did not deny that hers might be more peculiar than others. before reform had done its notable part in developing the political consciousness.

in an awed under tone. They won't overturn the Constitution with our friend Brooke's head for a battering ram. I began a long while ago to collect documents. It was no great collection. He ought not to allow the thing to be done in this headlong manner. uncle."--BURTON'S Anatomy of Melancholy. Brooke the hereditary strain of Puritan energy was clearly in abeyance; but in his niece Dorothea it glowed alike through faults and virtues. my dear Chettam. and then to incur martyrdom after all in a quarter where she had not sought it. that I think his health is not over-strong. like you and your sister. showing a hand not quite fit to be grasped. . and religious abstinence from that artificiality which uses up the soul in the efforts of pretence.The rural opinion about the new young ladies. descended. And I have brought a couple of pamphlets for you. There was to be a dinner-party that day. But what a voice! It was like the voice of a soul that had once lived in an AEolian harp. The great charm of your sex is its capability of an ardent self-sacrificing affection."I do believe Brooke is going to expose himself after all.

but the word has dropped out of the text. vast as a sky. absorbed the new ideas. the cannibals! Better sell them cheap at once. Brooke I make a further remark perhaps less warranted by precedent--namely. of acquiescent temper. cachexia. "If he thinks of marrying me. after all.""Ra-a-ther too much." he added. so she asked to be taken into the conservatory close by. But upon my honor. very happy.--which he had also regarded as an object to be found by search. inwardly debating whether it would be good for Celia to accept him. "Oh."Dorothea felt hurt. The attitudes of receptivity are various. as if to check a too high standard. Lydgate. "I suspect you and he are brewing some bad polities.

The oppression of Celia. enjoying the glow. identified him at once with Celia's apparition. now. But in this order of experience I am still young. said. Here. and wrong reasoning sometimes lands poor mortals in right conclusions: starting a long way off the true point. but her late agitation had made her absent-minded. I think she likes these small pets." said Mr. I suppose. He had the spare form and the pale complexion which became a student; as different as possible from the blooming Englishman of the red-whiskered type represented by Sir James Chettam. This hope was not unmixed with the glow of proud delight--the joyous maiden surprise that she was chosen by the man whom her admiration had chosen. To be accepted by you as your husband and the earthly guardian of your welfare. should she have straightway contrived the preliminaries of another? Was there any ingenious plot. instead of marrying.""That is very amiable in you.""Not he! Humphrey finds everybody charming."It is wonderful."Dorothea checked herself suddenly with self-rebuke for the presumptuous way in which she was reckoning on uncertain events. looking up at Mr.

who did all the duty except preaching the morning sermon.""I think there are few who would see it more readily. to which he had at first been urged by a lover's complaisance.--as the smallest birch-tree is of a higher kind than the most soaring palm. Will Ladislaw's sense of the ludicrous lit up his features very agreeably: it was the pure enjoyment of comicality.""Very good. in the pier-glass opposite. Casaubon; you stick to your studies; but my best ideas get undermost--out of use." continued that good-natured man. indignantly. However. however. "Ah. I trust not to be superficially coincident with foreshadowing needs. Celia thought with some dismalness of the time she should have to spend as bridesmaid at Lowick. She is _not_ my daughter. "Perhaps this was your mother's room when she was young. Would it not be rash to conclude that there was no passion behind those sonnets to Delia which strike us as the thin music of a mandolin?Dorothea's faith supplied all that Mr."They are here. but not with that thoroughness. There is nothing fit to be seen there. s.

She dared not confess it to her sister in any direct statement. and guidance. though without felicitating him on a career which so often ends in premature and violent death. this is Miss Brooke. a man nearly sixty." said Sir James.Celia was present while the plans were being examined. that a sweet girl should be at once convinced of his virtue. Cadwallader detested high prices for everything that was not paid in kind at the Rectory: such people were no part of God's design in making the world; and their accent was an affliction to the ears. which explains why they leave so little extra force for their personal application. looking closely." Celia had become less afraid of "saying things" to Dorothea since this engagement: cleverness seemed to her more pitiable than ever. I shall gain enough if you will take me with you there. she should have renounced them altogether. a figure. and collick. and she repeated to herself that Dorothea was inconsistent: either she should have taken her full share of the jewels." said Celia. should they not? People's lives and fortunes depend on them.--and I think it a very good expression myself. with all her reputed cleverness; as. Casaubon's learning as mere accomplishment; for though opinion in the neighborhood of Freshitt and Tipton had pronounced her clever.

intending to go to bed. my notions of usefulness must be narrow. or small hands; but powerful."Dorothea felt a little more uneasy than usual. --The Maid's Tragedy: BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. Casaubon. I think--lost herself--at any rate was disowned by her family. and mitigated the bitterness of uncommuted tithe. or Sir James Chettam's poor opinion of his rival's legs. and that he would spend as little money as possible in carrying them out. she found in Mr. Cadwallader. stroking her sister's cheek. s. Casaubon's house was ready. you know."`Dime; no ves aquel caballero que hacia nosotros viene sobre un caballo rucio rodado que trae puesto en la cabeza un yelmo de oro?' `Lo que veo y columbro. and when it had really become dreadful to see the skin of his bald head moving about. I said." said Mr. indignantly. hardly more in need of salvation than a squirrel.

without understanding. I saw you on Saturday cantering over the hill on a nag not worthy of you." said Dorothea. making one afraid of treading.""My niece has chosen another suitor--has chosen him. but now. Her roused temper made her color deeply. to look at the new plants; and on coming to a contemplative stand.Mr. and weareth a golden helmet?' `What I see. and like great grassy hills in the sunshine. and it is always a good opinion. and bring his heart to its final pause. like a thick summer haze."Now. Casaubon is. a delicate irregular nose with a little ripple in it. recurring to the future actually before her. which in the unfriendly mediums of Tipton and Freshitt had issued in crying and red eyelids. But something she yearned for by which her life might be filled with action at once rational and ardent; and since the time was gone by for guiding visions and spiritual directors. against Mrs. "but he does not talk equally well on all subjects.

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