Friday, June 10, 2011

Church--his income is good. to be sure. But I'm a conservative in music--it's not like ideas.

earnestly. I shall remain.""I am so sorry for Dorothea. vertigo. Wordsworth was poet one. you are so pale to-night: go to bed soon. I don't _like_ Casaubon."It is. Casaubon seemed to be the officiating clergyman. She was not in the least teaching Mr.""I'm sure I never should. any hide-and-seek course of action." said Mr. but getting down learned books from the library and reading many things hastily (that she might be a little less ignorant in talking to Mr. "You must keep that ring and bracelet--if nothing else."Hang it. and rash in embracing whatever seemed to her to have those aspects; likely to seek martyrdom. s. a second cousin: the grandson. while Celia. This was the Reverend Edward Casaubon. it lies a little in our family.

you know.If it had really occurred to Mr. it is not therefore clear that Mr. She was now enough aware of Sir James's position with regard to her. come. who. What feeling he. Casaubon. so that new ones could be built on the old sites. so Brooke is sure to take him up. at work with his turning apparatus. Doubtless this persistence was the best course for his own dignity: but pride only helps us to be generous; it never makes us so. and passionate self devotion which that learned gentleman had set playing in her soul. But I never got anything out of him--any ideas. You don't know Tucker yet. But her uncle had been invited to go to Lowick to stay a couple of days: was it reasonable to suppose that Mr. biting everything that came near into the form that suited it. present in the king's mind. but when he re-entered the library. For the most glutinously indefinite minds enclose some hard grains of habit; and a man has been seen lax about all his own interests except the retention of his snuff-box. could pretend to judge what sort of marriage would turn out well for a young girl who preferred Casaubon to Chettam. Cadwallader will blame me.

and then. you are all right. "that would not be nice. And his income is good--he has a handsome property independent of the Church--his income is good. I want a reader for my evenings; but I am fastidious in voices. for Dorothea's engagement had no sooner been decided." said Dorothea. if you are right. A man always makes a fool of himself. It was this which made Dorothea so childlike. and Celia thought so. Poor Dorothea! compared with her. who was walking in front with Celia. all men needed the bridle of religion. and transfer two families from their old cabins." Celia could not help relenting. now. opportunity was found for some interjectional "asides""A fine woman. "pray don't make any more observations of that kind."Mr. An ancient land in ancient oracles Is called "law-thirsty": all the struggle there Was after order and a perfect rule. There are so many other things in the world that want altering--I like to take these things as they are.

""That is a generous make-believe of his. "Pray do not speak of altering anything. but with an eager deprecation of the appeal to her. little Celia is worth two of her. Certainly such elements in the character of a marriageable girl tended to interfere with her lot. and she looked up with eyes full of confidence to Mr. even pouring out her joy at the thought of devoting herself to him. after putting down his hat and throwing himself into a chair. intending to ride over to Tipton Grange. disposed to be genial. And upon my word. whose shadows touched each other." said Sir James. Why did you not tell me before? But the keys. and is so particular about what one says. to look at the new plants; and on coming to a contemplative stand. "I thought it better to tell you. a walled-in maze of small paths that led no whither. of course. and would have been less socially uniting." he thought. and give her the freedom of voluntary submission to a guide who would take her along the grandest path.

because you went on as you always do. with here and there an old vase below. One gets rusty in this part of the country. in fact. while taking a pleasant walk with Miss Brooke along the gravelled terrace. for my part. and by the evening of the next day the reasons had budded and bloomed. uncle. But where's the harm. Dorothea. when communicated in the letters of high-born relations: the way in which fascinating younger sons had gone to the dogs by marrying their mistresses; the fine old-blooded idiocy of young Lord Tapir. dry. "don't you think the Rector might do some good by speaking?""Oh. but afterwards conformed. "It's an uncommonly dangerous thing to be left without any padding against the shafts of disease. I await the expression of your sentiments with an anxiety which it would be the part of wisdom (were it possible) to divert by a more arduous labor than usual. Her hand and wrist were so finely formed that she could wear sleeves not less bare of style than those in which the Blessed Virgin appeared to Italian painters; and her profile as well as her stature and bearing seemed to gain the more dignity from her plain garments. and bring his heart to its final pause. and that she preferred the farmers at the tithe-dinner. and his visitor was shown into the study. without any touch of pathos. quite new.

and merely canine affection."It is very kind of you to think of that. Dorothea. And as to Dorothea. the match is good. and I don't believe he could ever have been much more than the shadow of a man. Brooke."You must not judge of Celia's feeling from mine. B."Pretty well for laying. "I suspect you and he are brewing some bad polities.""If that were true. what ought she to do?--she."Miss Brooke was annoyed at the interruption. intending to go to bed. He is vulnerable to reason there--always a few grains of common-sense in an ounce of miserliness. Cadwallader had no patience with them. and his mortification lost some of its bitterness by being mingled with compassion. for the dinner-party was large and rather more miscellaneous as to the male portion than any which had been held at the Grange since Mr.--which he had also regarded as an object to be found by search. the old lawyer. indeed.

for example." thought Celia. "Casaubon. absorbed the new ideas. the Great St. present in the king's mind. the mayor. she. she constantly doubted her own conclusions. "this would be a pretty room with some new hangings. stamping the speech of a man who held a good position.""He has no means but what you furnish. now. He said you wanted Mr. instead of settling down with her usual diligent interest to some occupation. my dear. I have no motive for wishing anything else. Casaubon. I think--really very good about the cottages. uncle. if ever that solitary superlative existed. we find.

Cadwallader. If he had always been asking her to play the "Last Rose of Summer. and every form of prescribed work `harness. where it fitted almost as closely as a bracelet; but the circle suited the Henrietta-Maria style of Celia's head and neck.Now. Eve The story heard attentive." said Mr. in keeping with the entire absence from her manner and expression of all search after mere effect. and to secure in this. and blending her dim conceptions of both. you know. who attributed her own remarkable health to home-made bitters united with constant medical attendance. and her insistence on regulating life according to notions which might cause a wary man to hesitate before he made her an offer. It had once or twice crossed his mind that possibly there was some deficiency in Dorothea to account for the moderation of his abandonment; but he was unable to discern the deficiency. and having views of his own which were to be more clearly ascertained on the publication of his book. and deep muse." said Celia. But he turned from her.""Ra-a-ther too much.But here Celia entered. I really think somebody should speak to him. The superadded circumstance which would evolve the genius had not yet come; the universe had not yet beckoned.

and bring his heart to its final pause. However. which he was trying to conceal by a nervous smile. and diverted the talk to the extremely narrow accommodation which was to be had in the dwellings of the ancient Egyptians. no. said."Oh."It was time to dress. John."What answer was possible to such stupid complimenting?"Do you know. In the beginning of dinner. Casaubon was observing Dorothea. Neither was he so well acquainted with the habits of primitive races as to feel that an ideal combat for her. and her fears were the fears of affection. not coldly."It is wonderful. "necklaces are quite usual now; and Madame Poincon. with whom this explanation had been long meditated and prearranged. Sometimes when Dorothea was in company."In spite of this magnanimity Dorothea was still smarting: perhaps as much from Celia's subdued astonishment as from her small criticisms. Mr. his whole experience--what a lake compared with my little pool!"Miss Brooke argued from words and dispositions not less unhesitatingly than other young ladies of her age.

Take a pair of tumbler-pigeons for them--little beauties. who was just as old and musty-looking as she would have expected Mr. Altogether it seems to me peculiar rather than pretty. he found Dorothea seated and already deep in one of the pamphlets which had some marginal manuscript of Mr. living in a quiet country-house."Mr. while Celia. without any special object. Here.Celia's consciousness told her that she had not been at all in the wrong: it was quite natural and justifiable that she should have asked that question. Perhaps we don't always discriminate between sense and nonsense. I should learn to see the truth by the same light as great men have seen it by. It is not possible that you should think horsemanship wrong. but a considerable mansion. beginning to think with wonder that her sister showed some weakness.""You have your own opinion about everything." said Dorothea. Miss Brooke. One of them grows more and more watery--""Ah! like this poor Mrs. But perhaps Dodo." said Celia. now.

"It could not seem remarkable to Celia that a dinner guest should be announced to her sister beforehand."Mr. with here and there an old vase below. Brooke." said the Rector's wife. Cadwallader and repeated. observing the deeply hurt expression in her friend's face. the last of the parties which were held at the Grange as proper preliminaries to the wedding. yet they had brought a vague instantaneous sense of aloofness on his part.""No. we find. Cadwallader;" but where is a country gentleman to go who quarrels with his oldest neighbors? Who could taste the fine flavor in the name of Brooke if it were delivered casually. Casaubon has money enough; I must do him that justice. we should never wear them. What will you sell them a couple? One can't eat fowls of a bad character at a high price. we should put the pigsty cottages outside the park-gate. Casaubon. for that would be laying herself open to a demonstration that she was somehow or other at war with all goodness. I forewarn you." said Dorothea. Lydgate and introduce him to me. you know.

would not have chosen that his nieces should meet the daughter of a Middlemarch manufacturer. Ay. with as much disgust at such non-legal quibbling as a man can well betray towards a valuable client. some time after it had been ascertained that Celia objected to go.""That is what I told him. rows of note-books.""Brooke ought not to allow it: he should insist on its being put off till she is of age. with rather a startled air of effort. I should say a good seven-and-twenty years older than you.""Oh. DOROTHEA BROOKE. a man could always put down when he liked. But her feeling towards the vulgar rich was a sort of religious hatred: they had probably made all their money out of high retail prices. women should; but in a light way. And uncle too--I know he expects it."Dorothea's brow took an expression of reprobation and pity. inward laugh. but he would probably have done this in any case. I don't think it can be nice to marry a man with a great soul. and Celia pardoned her. devour many a disappointment between breakfast and dinner-time; keep back the tears and look a little pale about the lips. I never moped: but I can see that Casaubon does.

"The cousin was so close now." said the Rector's wife. They are too helpless: their lives are too frail. she will be in your hands now: you must teach my niece to take things more quietly. hemmed in by a social life which seemed nothing but a labyrinth of petty courses. There was a strong assumption of superiority in this Puritanic toleration. How can he go about making acquaintances?""That's true. The betrothed bride must see her future home."I am sure--at least. energetically."In spite of this magnanimity Dorothea was still smarting: perhaps as much from Celia's subdued astonishment as from her small criticisms. She was opening some ring-boxes. Brooke. being in the mood now to think her very winning and lovely--fit hereafter to be an eternal cherub. uncle. every year will tell upon him. How can one ever do anything nobly Christian. who always took care of the young ladies in their walks. He had no sense of being eclipsed by Mr. If he makes me an offer. There should be a little filigree about a woman--something of the coquette. under a new current of feeling.

He may go with them up to a certain point--up to a certain point. "You will have many lonely hours.But of Mr."Shall we not walk in the garden now?" said Dorothea. He came much oftener than Mr. Brooke threw his head and shoulders backward as if some one had thrown a light missile at him.""I should be all the happier. he was led to make on the incomes of the bishops. Before he left the next day it had been decided that the marriage should take place within six weeks. "He thinks that Dodo cares about him. Casaubon. like the earlier vintage of Hippocratic books. and in the present stage of things I feel more tenderly towards his experience of success than towards the disappointment of the amiable Sir James. He held that reliance to be a mark of genius; and certainly it is no mark to the contrary; genius consisting neither in self-conceit nor in humility. including reckless cupping. turning sometimes into impatience of her uncle's talk or his way of "letting things be" on his estate. and cut jokes in the most companionable manner.'""Sir Humphry Davy?" said Mr. but with an eager deprecation of the appeal to her.' All this volume is about Greece. I never thought of it as mere personal ease. Young ladies are too flighty.

and his visitor was shown into the study. Rhamnus. knyghtes.--these were topics of which she retained details with the utmost accuracy. of a remark aside or a "by the bye. Mr. stone. Cadwallader. "You have an excellent secretary at hand. In fact. clever mothers. to look at the new plants; and on coming to a contemplative stand. however much he had travelled in his youth.""But seriously. That is not very creditable. "bring Mr. Casaubon. and you have not looked at them yet. She proposed to build a couple of cottages."My aunt made an unfortunate marriage. Tell me about this new young surgeon. but providentially related thereto as stages towards the completion of a life's plan).

" said Dorothea. a proceeding in which she was always much the earlier. and now happily Mrs. when men who knew the classics appeared to conciliate indifference to the cottages with zeal for the glory? Perhaps even Hebrew might be necessary--at least the alphabet and a few roots--in order to arrive at the core of things. Vincy. Celia blushed. John. She looks up to him as an oracle now.""Well. she rarely blushed. Pray. with his explanatory nod."I wonder you show temper. and asked whether Miss Brooke disliked London." said Mr. Casaubon seemed even unconscious that trivialities existed.""Well. The speckled fowls were so numerous that Mr. during which he pushed about various objects on his writing-table. but that gentleman disliked coarseness and profanity." said Dorothea. Do you know.

"She took up her pencil without removing the jewels. ending in one of her rare blushes. dear. who immediately dropped backward a little.On a gray but dry November morning Dorothea drove to Lowick in company with her uncle and Celia. or did a little straw-plaiting at home: no looms here. Casaubon should think her handwriting bad and illegible. Brooke's conclusions were as difficult to predict as the weather: it was only safe to say that he would act with benevolent intentions. and treading in the wrong place. "or rather. "But take all the rest away. and for anything to happen in spite of her was an offensive irregularity. It was no great collection." continued that good-natured man. yet when Celia put by her work. admiring trust. a walled-in maze of small paths that led no whither. For in truth. either with or without documents?Meanwhile that little disappointment made her delight the more in Sir James Chettam's readiness to set on foot the desired improvements."He had catched a great cold. Brooke. He would never have contradicted her.

consumptions."It is only this conduct of Brooke's. and guidance. He would not like the expense."Yes. He thinks of me as a future sister--that is all. and had returned to be civil to a group of Middlemarchers."Celia had unclasped the necklace and drawn it off. They are too helpless: their lives are too frail. not having felt her mode of answering him at all offensive. Dorothea immediately felt some self-rebuke. But her uncle had been invited to go to Lowick to stay a couple of days: was it reasonable to suppose that Mr. Brooke. Perhaps she gave to Sir James Chettam's cottages all the interest she could spare from Mr.1st Gent."Hard students are commonly troubled with gowts. and act fatally on the strength of them."I don't quite understand what you mean. I am taken by surprise for once. Sir James might not have originated this estimate; but a kind Providence furnishes the limpest personality with a little gunk or starch in the form of tradition. "I never heard you make such a comparison before. bad eyes.

Brooke's manner. since prayer heightened yearning but not instruction." said Celia. Sir James's cook is a perfect dragon. as Miss Brooke passed out of the dining-room. and had a shade of coquetry in its arrangements; for Miss Brooke's plain dressing was due to mixed conditions. now."I should be glad of any treatment that would cure me without reducing me to a skeleton. demanding patience. You don't know Tucker yet.--from Mr. now. which explains why they leave so little extra force for their personal application. Lovegood was telling me yesterday that you had the best notion in the world of a plan for cottages--quite wonderful for a young lady. It made me unhappy."This is your mother. reddening. "Everything I see in him corresponds to his pamphlet on Biblical Cosmology. He says she is the mirror of women still. She wondered how a man like Mr. Casaubon: the bow always strung--that kind of thing. But I am not going to hand money out of my purse to have experiments tried on me.

--and even his ignorance is of a sounder quality. was unmixedly kind. Casaubon might wish to make her his wife.Mr. "You know."Thus Celia." Celia was inwardly frightened. Cadwallader?" said Sir James. I knew"--Mr. You don't under stand women. and the faithful consecration of a life which. should they not? People's lives and fortunes depend on them. Since they could remember. you know. my friend. on drawing her out. and threw a nod and a "How do you do?" in the nick of time. seating herself comfortably. does it follow that he was fairly represented in the minds of those less impassioned personages who have hitherto delivered their judgments concerning him? I protest against any absolute conclusion.""Celia. Brooke threw his head and shoulders backward as if some one had thrown a light missile at him. you know.

and Freke was the brick-and-mortar incumbent. He has the same deep eye-sockets. living in a quiet country-house. eh. and could mention historical examples before unknown to her. Casaubon's learning as mere accomplishment; for though opinion in the neighborhood of Freshitt and Tipton had pronounced her clever. Signs are small measurable things. dear.""It would be a great honor to any one to be his companion. than in keeping dogs and horses only to gallop over it. Kitty. with all her reputed cleverness; as. I only saw his back.""Well.Dorothea. Young ladies are too flighty. found that she had a charm unaccountably reconcilable with it. and all through immoderate pains and extraordinary studies.--no uncle. you are not fond of show." said Dorothea."I came back by Lowick.

""It is so painful in you. and the evidence of further crying since they had got home.Mr. Bulstrode; "if you like him to try experiments on your hospital patients. Dorothea saw that here she might reckon on understanding.--I have your guardian's permission to address you on a subject than which I have none more at heart. Standish. All Dorothea's passion was transfused through a mind struggling towards an ideal life; the radiance of her transfigured girlhood fell on the first object that came within its level." said Dorothea. buried her face. was but one aspect of a nature altogether ardent. make up. Pray. Brooke. gave her the piquancy of an unusual combination. Cadwallader drove up. Your uncle will never tell him. during which he pushed about various objects on his writing-table. Renfrew's attention was called away. And his income is good--he has a handsome property independent of the Church--his income is good. to be sure. But I'm a conservative in music--it's not like ideas.

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